Poetry of Life: “The Hymn of Abraxas”

The Hymn of Abraxas

by Hiereus Phosphorus
Heinrich Fueger Prometheus

O Abraxas!
Blessed is Your lot Above,
Accursed is Your state Below.
With Your torso below in the boiling semen of Hades,
And Your head crowned above the zenith of the Cosmos.
You are the Grand Image of Man.
Created in the Likeness of Above and Below.
Your secret word is “ABRAHADABRA”.
For You are the Light that came out of Darkness.
Within You is both Chaos and Order.
Light and Darkness swirl beneath Your feet.
The Heavens and the Earth submit to Your heed.
O Man, embody your progenitor!
You are a Star upon the Earth.
Therefore, let your splendour arise!
Conquer both Light and Darkness at Your feet.
Like Abraxad, transcend the conflicting Polarity.
Be released from the cage which bonds You.
Let Life and Death crawl under Your feet.




Poetry of Life (6/14/2013): “Every Man and Woman is a Star”

Every Man and Woman is a Star

by Aur IAO


Man, do you know not your origin?
Have you known not of the point from which you came? 
Have you come to gaze upon the Great Unknown from which you were hewn? 

Come and behold: “As Above, So Below”
The Grand mystery of the Cosmos!
Man is the Universal Nous below.

Fashioned, crafted and molded like its Maker above! 
Oh if you only knew, o child, the powers that you bear.
Would your life be the same?

Same as his progenitor Above, what can he do?
What can he achieve?
And what must he fulfill?

To become like his Maker.
To emulate His attributes.
To return to that pristine, primordial state of Divine incomprehensibility!

Reintegration is the Key.
To transmute yourself back into your point of origin.
Ah, the great mystery of Life!

“Every Man and Woman is a Star”, thus said the Wise, Foolish Magus.
Indeed, your Hidden Nature is brimming with splendour Within.
Waiting, waiting for you to heed the call of your Will.

Sonnets of Light (1/30/13): “The Song of the Seeker”

The Song of the Seeker

A Ghazal by Oriyahu Yair


Seeker, come at my side;
Search not for anything or anyone else, not ever yourself.

Lover, come at my side
look not from afar, for that which you seek, in truth, is none but Yourself.

Know and realize,
There is no Beloved at all.

Now, contemplate and ask:
“If there is no Beloved, whom does the lover seek?”

Now, let me answer you:
It is none but that Pearl of Pearls that is within Yourself.

Come now, and come to know:
The Lover neither exist.

In this world of illusion, we see nothing but pair of opposites.
For the Seeker that seeks within, and that which he seek is, in truth, none but himself.

Even that which he perceives without, is indeed, the Beloved Himself.
Because in everything and with all, I AM THAT.

Nothing exists before Myself,
therefore, who are you, seeking lover?

Now I will give you an answer:
“I Am that I Am—All That Is.”

Remember this and never stray your thought,
the next morning, you will see yourself married before Me for all eternity.

Poetry of Life (1/15/2013): “The Traveler”

The Traveler

by Lucille Illustre


In the road of death have I travelled;
In the sight of darkness have I walked unguided.
I search for the sunlight, but it drifted away from my Eye.
The Illuminating Torch have I lost, Light is no more!

Until a Luminous Being came forth and gave me a Candle;
He asked, “Are you a Traveller?”
“I am lost, and I know not where to go”, I replied.
“Seek the Day, and Quit the Night, Traveller”

And then the Flame of the Candle entered me,
and it became the Flame of my Heart.
And from that Flame, the Eye of my Being awoke;
And now, I see the Path.

Traveller, Traveller,
Wherever you are, bring the Flame with you.
Become a Torchbearer, lead the Way.
Narrow is the Way that leads to Light, become the guide!

Never tarry, don’t be wary.
Though the path be rough.
The Lodge is near for you to rest upon,
can you hear the bells emanating from the Temple?

Walk forward, never lost;
With the Brilliance of Wisdom, how can you be groping?
Let the Light be Your Guide,
Let Life become Your vehicle,
And Love, the fuel of Your mission.

As your journey ends, what can you ever say?
Be thankful that you have lived a life well refined.
And now, look at the edifice that you have built within yourself,
Oh, God treats it now as an apple of His eye.

Free Writing: “Go on, tarry forward”

A Poem by Stanley Castro


Go on, and tarry forward

Though the road is steep, windy and rocky;

Go on, tarry forward
Though the forces of uncertainty may follow, why stop now?

Go beyond, never look back,
Nor worry about whatever lies beyond the road uncertain.

Bring with you the lamp of faith and intuition, 
that in the darkest of night it may dispell your shady path.

The demons you see are all illusory,
it does not exist, so tarry forward.

It is neither what happens before or after the path that determines your success,
it is what you do in the HERE and NOW that counts!

Poetry of Life (12/3/12): “Song of Gratitude”

Song of Gratitude

a poem by Oriyahu Yair


Thank You, O Master, for this Breath of Life;
I am so indebted, for this Life I owe unto You

Light of Illumination, Life of all the Worlds, Love that transforms!
How can I thank You? No words can ever express this feeling of gratitude.

I am raptured by this so called Existence,
So raptured that I am not aware that It is You Itself!

Expressing Yourself through the smile of a Newborn,
the budding of the Rose,
and the brilliance of the Sun!

How great then, O L-rd, is the sweet mystery of Life! 
Many do not understand, and so they curse.

Yet they do not comprehend the greatness of the Present,
nor the Now wherein You do dwell!

So, we thank You, to Whom all thanksgiving and praise are due.
For revealing to us, the Mysteries of Light!

Sonnets of Light (11/20/12): “The Voice of G-d”

The Voice of G-d
A Ghazal by Oriyahu Yair

From the very moment of existence, I have heard the voice of G-d.
It is swift and dear, sweet and alluring, and yes, it is the voice of G-d.

From moment to moment it brings me into places far beyond space and time,
As soon as I hear it, oh! Everything from around me dissipates, and yes, it is the voice of G-d.

When it leaves my presence, I feel darkness and confusion;
But as soon as I would hear it, clarity comes, and yes, it is the voice of God!

The Voice is not only heard, it has fragrance, that of a Rose;
And as soon as I smell of its fragrance, ah yes! My heart would blossom as a rose, and yes, it is the voice of G-d!

Be still, and you should know; 
Be here, in the now, be awake! For you too hear the tenderness of the voice of G-d!

And now that the time of my transition draws near, ah!
The voice gets nearer and nearer. I can hear it, clear and vivid, and yes, I can say that, it is the Voice of G-d.

Sonnets of Light: “I Am your resting place”



“I Am thy Resting Place”
a ghazal by: Oriyahu Yair

Come, My Lover, and rest into My arms;
I know that you are weary from the torrents of worldly care, rest into My arms!

Let My Love be a soothing balm, and the amrita reviving your lifeless eyes,
So come, do not hesitate, rest in My arms!

Cry, cry, cry all of your worries; No, do not be afraid, I bring you no harm.
I can see from your eyes that you are tired, so come, rest into My arms!

While you are asleep, as your consciousness drifts away from the world,
I will bring you into the fragrant Field of Roses, so come, rest into My arms!

This world will only bring you burden,  for the toils of life are harsh.
I will embrace you now, so rest into My arms! 

Through the Rose you will come into the Cross, and the Cross through the Rose.  I am the Rose of Life,  I will redeem you from the Cross of the World, come, rest into My arms! 

I, your Maker, your Beloved, will never forsake thee, for I am Thy rest.
So come, while you are in distress, embrace Me now, and rest into My arms!

Poetry of Life (10/29/12): “The Call of Return”

The Call of Return

a Poem by Oriyahu Yair

I know that You know my present state,
I know that You have seen the place where I am standing.
I am filled with impurity as it is.
Shamefully standing before You, how can I ever seek You?

My hands as it is are filled with blood!
Mud and dirt enclose me all around
O Precious Lord, Most Merciful;
Grant Your aid unto this Soul wallowed into the deepest abyss!

I know, O L-rd, that I am unworthy to utter Your Name sacred.
For this tongue is drenched in defilement as it is.
Oh, You whose name my lips cannot utter.
Cause my heart to move itself and set its Fire aflame!

My limbs are unceasingly shaking, as I tremble in awe of You!
With a Lightning Flash have you caused the resurrection of my Being.
As the Dew of Light descends from Above downwards,
O, the Sweet Taste of the Amrita of Life invigorates my senses!

Transmute me, O L-rd, and purify the Dross of my Soul;
Turn this soil of the earth into a Golden Dust!
For from the Fires of Your Mercy, O L-rd, all things are renew and rectified. 
You cause all Beings to find the Hidden Stone from within them.

Thus, bring us back, O Father, into the purity of Your Divine Countenance. 
Make us the Children of Your Palace once more.
For it is certainly true that Godhood is our Birthright.
And the time has come for us to rightfully claim it, under Thy mercy!

So Mote It Be!

The Cry of Union

The Cry of Holy Union

a Poem by Oriyahu Yair

O L-rd of the Cosmos,
Kindle the Flame from the Centre of Your Being and consume me!
For I lust for Thy Love!
L-rd, you indeed are a Consuming Fire!

I am raptured by my bursting Passion,
O L-rd, make love with my Luminous Soul!
And kindle that which sparked from long ago.
That all the  Worlds may blaze with Thy brilliance!

I thirst for You, dear Beloved,
Let Us cleave in this Union of Love!
I yearn to see You face to face,
Veil not from me Thy dazzling Countenance.

Make me Thy lover, make me Thy consort,
And with the Waters flowing from Thy root, purify my Soul;
And then will I lie peacefully at last at the core of Thy Womb,
Then will I say that I have lived my life well and fulfilled.